Details of the Project

The hospital building bases on an area of 18.781 m2 and have total of 69.103 m2 closed area. In the hospital building with 400 beds capacity there are 12 each operation hall, conference hall with capacity of 289 persons, dining hall and auxiliary service unites with capacity of 700 persons. Hospital has an open car park with capacity of 494 cars. There are Cardiology, Nuclear Diagnosis, Pathology, Ear Throat Nose (KBB), Ophthalmology, Skin Diseases, Psychiatry, neurology ,Family Physician, Hemodialysis, Nephrology, Oncology, Orthopedic, General Surgery, Chest Surgery, Physical Treatment Rehabilitation, and Diseases of Women-Delivery of Child out patient clinics. There are Endocrinology, Gastro Plastic Surgery, Heart Vein Surgery, Brain Surgery, Internal Diseases, Urology, and Hematology out patient clinics. Total environmental arrangement area totals 70.897 m2.